Opto Circuits India Ltd - Stock Research & Analysis
(15 Dec 2008)
Opto Circuits is a small company in Medical Electronics industry with focus in the niche areas of invasive (coronary stents) and non-invasive (sensors, patient monitors) segments. Prior to '2002 Opto's Revenues were less than Rs. 50 Cr. Today Revenues stand at Rs.468 Cr, with exports accounting for more than 95% of Revenues. Opto Circuits is based in Bangalore India and operates out of offices established in USA, Europe, South-East Asia, Latin America and the Middle East and boasts of a strong international distribution network present in over 70 countries.
The Numbers speak for themselves. Net profit margins are healthy (over 28%), great return on equity (~ 40%, unmatched in the Medical Electronics industry), and solid return on invested capital ratios (over 45%). Financial health has been steadily improving over the years with comfortable financial leverage (1.34) and Debt to equity (0.31), with solid Current & Quick ratios. However, Opto Circuits still has a long way to go before it can show loads of excess cash on its books, due to its aggressive business expansion. Free Cash Flow as a percentage of sales is ~6 percent. It has consistently increased Dividends per share and has a unique track record of rewarding shareholders with bonus shares every year, for the 7th straight year! Opto Circuits seems to enjoy an above-average Economic Moat and fares very well when compared to its peers in this Peer Comparison snapshot.
Though there are Significant Risks going forward, Opto Circuits has lots of positives going for it. Over the last 7 years since FY2002, Opto Circuits Revenues have clocked a long term sales growth of over 45% while long term EPS growth has galloped at a handsome 60% plus. It has been working steadily grow its business through pursuing organic growth through investments in manufacturing capacities and penetrating into newer markets, supplemented by inorganic growth through judicious acquisitions. To its credit Opto circuits has managed acquisitions so far quite well, drawing synergies by leveraging distribution networks and lower-cost manufacturing bases. There is some evidence of Sustainable Growth over the medium term. We posed a few questions to Opto Circuits Management to be able to understand and assess its longer-term prospects and growth sustainability, better.
Opto's track record so far evidences early signs of being served by a Competent Management Team. The stock is promising and there's nothing wrong with investing in a young growth company like Opto Circuits, as long as you know what you are getting into. It has a long way to go before it qualifies to be among the Core holdings in anyone's Portfolio. It’s a long shot, though one that might just pay you back many times over. However, this is only half the story because even the best companies are poor investments if purchased at too high a price. We cover Opto Circuits' stock valuation in the other half story.
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