The moods of some 'investors' were decisively that of fear and panic the last few days.
What did you do to your portfolio the last few days when the market was trending downwards?
1. Did nothing
2. Cashed out of all your stocks (100% cash)
3. Cashed out of some of your stocks
4. Bought some more stocks
5. Bought a lot more stocks
6. Switched your stocks from A to B.
Why did you take the action that you did?
What were the thinking driving your behaviour?
What did you do to your portfolio the last few days when the market was trending downwards?
1. Did nothing

2. Cashed out of all your stocks (100% cash)

3. Cashed out of some of your stocks

4. Bought some more stocks

5. Bought a lot more stocks

6. Switched your stocks from A to B.

Why did you take the action that you did?
What were the thinking driving your behaviour?